понеділок, 13 квітня 2009 р.

Evangelization in Sushky village, Korosten region. Про хід євангелізації в с. Сушки, Коростенського району.

On Monday, March 2, we have evangelization in Sushky village. Choir of Baptist church of Zhytomyr city and regional pastor Oleksandr Kravchenko will take part in evangelization.  
The beginning took place at 3p.m. We were met by people who were quite aggressive. The head of the village council didn’t want to speak with us. Before this, in the morning, I had hardly received the permission for the room where to spend this time as the local government of the village forbade to give us any kind of facility. The head of the Baptist Union in Zhytomyr oblast, Olexander Kravchenko, some American friends and myself were giving out food packages all through the village from 3:20 to 4:20. People at home were glad to see us & we had a warm welcome.

At the same time near the facility that we rented about 40 men were gathered. At half past five three Orthodox priests came (they were from our & the nearest village). They began shouting at people & said that whoever comes inside will be cast out of the church & will not be buried according to the Orthodox church tradition. For 40 minutes we were talking to the priests & were trying to comfort the people. During all those conversations they shouted at us, told lies, were blaming me for all that. Anyway only 5 people were brave enough to come inside. The youth quire sang & the word was preached loudly so those who were outside could hear.

 I’d like to ask you to pray for revival in Sushky & in Korosten region in general. People in the village look at me as if I stole something from them. But I am proud to be humiliated for Christ.

May God bless all of us.

Голова Житомирського обласного об’єднання ЄХБ Олександр Кравченко, двоє гостей з США, два перекладачі і я приїхали в Сушки о 15:00. Нас зустріли люди, які були ворожо налаштовані. Голова сільської ради Федір Харченко не захотів з нами спілкуватися. Перед цим, вранці я ледь отримав дозвіл на оренду приміщення, адже місцева влада заборонила керівництву Ушомирського сільського споживчого товариства надавати нам дозвіл. З 15:20 по 16:20 голова обласного братства ЄХБ Олександр Кравченко, я та гості з Америки розвозили продовольчі пакети по селу. Зустрічали нас тепло, навіть зі слізьми на очах. Тим часом біля орендованого нами приміщення зібралося близько 40 чоловік. О 16:20 приїхав настоятель Ришавської православної церкви отець Олександр. До нього згодом долучився настоятель Сушківської православної церкви, отець Герасій, які збаламутили людей, заборонили їм заходити до нас в приміщення, і сказали, що коли хтось і ввійде, то вони ту людину не будуть хоронити і виженуть з церкви (можете уявити, що це значить для православної людини). 40 хвилин ми розмовляли з священиками та людьми, щоб трохи їх заспокоїти. В ході довгих розмов нас і лаяли, і говорили про нас неправду, обзивали. Однак в приміщення зайшло тільки 5 чоловік - всі інші стояли на вулиці. Молодіжний хор співав, проповідувалося слово так, щоб і ті, хто на вулиці почули. 
Я бачу наскільки диявол заполонив серця і душі цих людей. Він використовує своїх служителів, державних чиновників, всіх, хто йому належить тільки з однією метою – щоб люди не почули звістку про те, що Господь їх любить, помер за них, воскрес для їхнього оправдання і тепер наказує кожному покаятися і навернутися до Нього.
Не опускайте рук – ЦЕ ВІЙНА! 
Я прошу молитися за пробудження Сушок і всього Коростенського району.

The Christmas holidays. Різдв'яні подарунки

21 січня до різдвяних свят за підтримки Житомирського обласного об’єднання церков євангельських християн-баптистів, а особливо голови об’єднання Олександра Кравченка, група віруючих із Сполучених Штатів змогли відвідати Ришавську, Новинську, Сушківську і Білківську школи і подарувати всім школярам і вчителям різдвяні подарунки, а це понад 330 дітей. Спеціально для учнівської молоді Житомирщини подарунки приготували їхні заокеанські однолітки зі своїми батьками. В чималих коробках, які отримав персонально кожен учень, були акуратно складені зошити, ручки, фломастери, олівці, лінійки та інше шкільне приладдя, а також солодощі і обов’язково іграшки та шарфики і рукавички. Дітям-інвалідам, дітям-сиротам та дітям, позбавленим батьківського піклування, які навчаються в сільських школах, гості залишили ще й гуманітарну допомогу – одяг. Як повідомив нашій редакції голова Житомирського обласного об’єднання церков євангельських християн-баптистів Олександр Кравченко, такі заходи вже стали традиційними в нашій області і проводяться щороку до різдвяних свят.

21 January to the Christmas holidays with the support of Zhytomyr Regional Association of Churches of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, and especially the chairman of Alexander Kravchenko, a group of believers from the United States to visit Ryshavsku, Novynsku, Sushkivsku and Bilkivsku schools and give all students and teachers Christmas gifts There are more than 330 children. Especially for young people Zhitomirschiny gifts make their overseas peers with their parents. In a lot of boxes that each student received personally have been carefully compiled notebooks, pens, felt-tip pen, pencils, rulers and other school supplies and sweets and be sure toys and scarf and gloves. Disabled children, orphans and children deprived of parental care, the students in rural schools, the guests have left and humanitarian aid - clothes. 

пʼятниця, 10 квітня 2009 р.

Youth Evangelism Project: “The Light in Darkness”

„The people that walked in darkness
have seen a great light:
they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, 
upon them hath the light shined.” 
(Isaiah 9:2)

Youth Evangelism Project: “The Light in Darkness”

An youth evangelism project called "The Light in Darkness” has been developed to present Jesus Christ, His life, His teaching, and His life-changing power to young people and children living in the southwestern villages of the Korosten district, located in north-central Ukraine. The developer of the project is Vadym Kuchynskiy, who holds a Bachelor of Theology degree from the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary in the city of Boryslav, Lviv Region. 
Testimony of the Project Developer:
My name is Vadym Kuchynskiy. I was born June 28, 1985, in Village Suchky, Korosten District, Zhitomir Region. In April of 1999 I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. In July of 2000 I was baptized and became a member of Grace Baptist Church of Korosten. After graduating from high school in 2002, I enrolled in Ukrainian Baptist Theology Seminary in Boryslav, Lviv Region, and graduated with a Bachelor of Theology degree in 2005. Following my theological studies I became a youth leader in Grace Baptist Church of Koresten. During 2005-2006 I served as editor-in-chief of Korosten’s Broadcasting network. I am married to Yana Kuchynska.

Proposed Methods for Reaching Youth in the Villages 

I. Pre-Evangelism Promotional Activities 

1. Teaching a course entitled "No Excuse" in schools and villages of southwestern Koresten district 

2. Showing films and organizing youth meetings in youth clubs and the local Cultural Center

3. Organizing sports competitions in district schools through the local education department 

4. Organizing art and writing competitions in district schools through the local education department 

5. Organizing a Christian Ethics contest in schools 

6. Presenting Puppet Shows at Christmas and Easter 

7. Giving Bibles, New Testaments, and Christian literature to children and youth 

8. Organizing trips to Christian summer camps for high school students 

9. Developing special classrooms in schools to improve the study of mathematics, history, etc.

II. Direct Youth Evangelism Activities 

1. Doing personal evangelism and counseling with young people and children

2. Organizing open-air evangelistic meetings for youth, children, and adults in public places

3. Giving out Bibles, New Testaments, and Christian literature to children, youth, and adults

4. Showing Christian films such as the "Jesus" film and others 

Villages To Be Reached in the Korosten District 

1. Sushky village.
I start my ministry with village Bilka as it has well developed social infrastructure. Sushky village is one of the biggest in Korosten district. The population is over 550 citizens, 90 of them are school age children. Over 75 kids from Sushky and other villages such as Novyny, Kam'yana Gora, Zelenytsya, Guta (Emilchino district) are coming to get their knowledge in a school which is functioning here. Therefore, if we start a ministry in this school, we will cover 5 villages at the same time

2. Bilka village.
Bilka is a southwestern point of Korosten district. There never was an evangelical church in this village. There is a new built school with 111 students, a big "cultural building" (public place) where we plan to have evangelizm and Bible studding meetings with village citizens. There are 565 people in Bilka (the population), building is very active.

3. Village Ushomir.
Village Ushomir: a large and promising village in Korosten district with almost 2500 residents. It is 20 kilometers (12.42 miles) from Korosten. There are 253 students in the public school, with children coming from the neighboring villages of Santarka, Pugachivka, Strumok, Kolbasshchina, and Berezneve. It has a large sports program for teenagers. There is also a hospital in this village and a new Cultural Center is being built. 

4. The total population of all these villages is over 15,000. This includes 4,500 public schools students. 

Summary of Goals & Plan of Action 

First, we plan to begin in the public school of Villages Bilka and Sushky by teaching lessons from the course "New Hope--No Excuse." Since students from the nearby villages of Novyna, Rudnya, Zelenycya attend this school, we will be able to sow good seed in these communities also. During these sessions we will become acquainted with high-school students and invite them to youth meetings in a public place. There we will show Christian movies such as “Jesus”, “John Q.”, and others, after which we will have discussions about the movie and present the Gospel to these youth. 

Since the school has a growing sports program we plan to organize an “AWANA” club. In order to develop good relationships with the public schools and to interest them in Christ and our new church, we want to work together with the local educational department to organize sports competitions, art and writing competitions, Christian ethics contests, and puppet shows at Christmas and Easter time, where we will give special gifts to children such as sweets along with Bibles, Christian literature, and invitations to evangelistic services. 

There is also the possibility to organize trips for high school students to Christian summer camps in the Carpathian Mountains of western Ukraine. We would also like to develop special classrooms in schools to improve the study of mathematics, history, etc. In all of these ways we may plant "The Light in Darkness" and promote favorable conditions for the advance of the Gospel. 

After establishing the “Gethsemane Church" in Bilka, we will seek to do the same in another promising villages – Ushomir and Ryshavka. We will follow the same steps to bring about the spiritual enlightening of this community through evangelism. Then as God enables us, we will seek to do the same in the other villages of Santarka, Pugachivka, , Novyna, Gulyanka, and Bondarivka. This is a great opportunity to reach many people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.